Sis, Let Me Tell You My Story
Now real quick, can I be totally transparent with you? In Dec. 2019, I found myself locked in a dark bathroom, sitting in my bathtub feeling like I was losing my mind as uncontrollable tears flowed. My husband was deployed, literally half-way around the world in another country doing his best to offer me support. Our three children were sleeping soundly in their beds as I was having what felt like a life crisis, spiritual awakening or whatever you can think to call it. I had to finally admit that I was mentally drowning in my own unhappiness and feeling stuck in my life. And no one could help me but ME! The truth is I was stressed, depressed and a hot ass mess from not living my life, like honestly living. Honey, I was all drained out, walking around like a real-life zombie only existing! I had felt that way for longer than I cared to admit. I knew there was more to my life. Although I couldn't see it at the time, I could feel it. I made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to become the version of myself that I could be proud of, love, value, accept, and respect. It's funny how we get what we ask for.
You might be wondering why I'm getting sentimental and sharing this with you. Well, I've learned the importance of having the RIGHT mentor—someone who offers the emotional support needed at any stage of your transformation. I bring an unorthodox and versatile teaching style, using limitless tools that can be customized to you. No longer will you put yourself last or operate from a state of fear or unworthiness. The time is NOW! I teach you the tools and guide you as you use them to work on yourself and for YOURSELF.
This is your season to love yourself and be limitless. Sis, welcome to the global Sisterhood of Limitless Queens. We celebrate you—here's to taking the first step of your journey!